Bluehub capital
2020 Annual Report
And yet the dawn is out
before we knew it.
Somehow, we do it.
Somehow, we’ve weathered
and witnessed
A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.
Amanda Gorman
Inaugural Poem, January 20, 2021
A year of crisis, confusion, chaos.
Yet, with large- scale disruption on every front, BlueHub and our partners found ways to shift the trajectory.

Letter To Our 2020 Partners

2020 was a year of unending disruption — one that called on all of us to do our part to address the country’s monumental challenges. 
Read the letter
Elyse D. Cherry
CEO, BlueHub Capital
Dewitt Jones
BlueHub Energy
Michelle Volpe
BlueHub Loan Fund

Healthcare Inequities

In a year when health has been the dominant global concern, the world has seen COVID-19’s disparate impact on low-income communities — and particularly on Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). For Blacks and Hispanics, both COVID-19 infection rates and death rates are roughly triple those of whites. On every front, BlueHub borrowers are finding ways to address the problems head on — ways that not only solve immediate concerns but that will lead to lasting change.

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Uninsured shouldn’t mean untreatedStatistics show that few in Brownsville live long healthy lives. The residents are out to change that.

The Wealth Gap

59 in 5: BlueHub SUN borrowers move from foreclosure to stabilityFor five years, her mortgage went unpaid. Five years later her credit standing is pristine.

In 2015, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston reported that here in our hometown of Boston the median net worth for U.S.-born Black households was $8. Eight dollars compared to $247,500 for white households. The wealth gap between America’s richest and poorest families has become a chasm — and the effects of accumulated inequality and discrimination often mean that the racial disparities of wealth are staggering. Now, the pandemic has compounded these issues, with BIPOC households being disproportionably hit by the COVID-19 recession. BlueHub and our partners are fighting back.

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Climate Change

2020 was a year of natural devastation, with unprecedented forest fires, record-setting tropical cyclones, and an exceptional hurricane season. Global warming continues apace — and often low-income and BIPOC communities bear the brunt of our environmental destruction. At BlueHub, we have long been focused on environmental justice, mitigating the forces of climate change for the communities we serve and ensuring they benefit from ecological advances.

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Low-cost construction often results in high energy use. It's time to close the gaps.

Food Insecurity

With remote learning, school lunches disappear, unless lunch comes to you

In “normal” times, more than 10% of United States households struggle with food insecurity. In 2020, those numbers escalated. By November, an estimated 23% of families — and 29.5% of families with children — had either been unable to acquire enough food or were uncertain of the source of their next meal. Fortunately, a raft of nonprofits has stepped into the breech. Adding to a robust emergency feeding network, they include restaurants, volunteer groups — and schools. Many are long-time BlueHub borrowers, organizations that do the inspiring community work we have applauded for decades.

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Housing Scarcity

A few months into the pandemic, statistics proved what common sense had long dictated: Poor housing options are directly linked to poor health outcomes. We need to increase the housing supply along the full spectrum of need, from temporary housing for the homeless, to permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless, to new affordable housing options.

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An exploding rental market has left no place to house the homeless. This organization is taking charge.Isolation and disinvestment can destroy a neighborhood. A sound plan can bring it back.In some places, homelessness has reached epidemic levels. Can housing dollars go further?

2020 BlueHub by the Numbers

2020 BlueHUb Stats
*As of 12/31/20

affordable housing units built, preserved or enhanced


household evictions prevented by helping foreclosed homeowners


dollars of additional public and private capital leveraged by projects we’ve financed

See 2020 BlueHUb Statistics

2020 Cumulative Lending/Investment by State

*As of 12/31/2020. BlueHub works across the United States, serving low-income communities in our nation’s most populous areas.

Partners in our Mission 2020

BlueHub Loan Fund makes loans to nonprofits, community organizations, and developers that create and enhance affordable housing, energy efficiency, community health resources, quality education, and other opportunities. BlueHub SUN works to prevent the displacement of families and the neighborhood-destabilizing effects of vacancy and abandonment by acquiring foreclosed properties before evictions occur and reselling them to their existing occupants with mortgages they can afford. BlueHub Energy stabilizes and reduces energy and utility costs of affordable housing and community facilities by improving their energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy use.

See Our 2020 Partners

Our Mission

Our mission is to build healthy communities where low-income people live and work.